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                What are the differences between box house and general house

                If there is any difference between box house and general house, the biggest difference is probably flexibility. For ordinary house, our requirements are: stable, heavy and difficult to dismantle, while the requirement of box house is just the opposite. In order to facilitate the construction site, the facilities used by workers can be quickly removed after the construction is completed. Its characteristics are: light, easy to dismantle and easy to move This kind of house is suitable for construction and use in a short period of time, and it is easy to be demolished without leaving traces. It is widely used in various architectural occasions.
                More than that, box houses are also popular in many places. For example, many people in foreign countries have built them on their own trucks, transformed their cars into caravans, and can drive everywhere to travel and camp. In many places where temporary housing is needed, such light houses built with steel have begun to emerge. For example, the temporary camp built by archaeologists in archaeological sites is also used for many surveyors, highway construction inspection, etc. this kind of house is not only convenient and light, but also pays great attention to the bearing capacity and compression resistance of the house. It can resist the earthquake of magnitude 9 and the strong wind of magnitude 12, which is very safe.

                +86 17560655333
